
Injectable Fat Eliminating Treatment

Are you embarrassed by your double chin? 

Say farewell to your stubborn problem areas with a specially formulated deoxycholic acid injection, a groundbreaking injectable. After only two to four treatments and relatively easy recovery, you can rediscover a defined jaw-line. The injectable uses deoxycholic acid (a substance your body produces naturally) to break down targeted fat.

TREATMENT in 15 minutes

RESULTS in 2 - 3 months

RESULTS LAST - extremely long-lasting (re-treatment not expected)

Benefits at a glance

  1. Redefine your profile

  2. Non-invasive Treatment

  3. Made from Deoxycholic Acid

  4. Provides long lasting results

  5. Treats mild, moderate and severe pockets of fat


Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. A complimentary consultation is required before treatments can be booked. There may be contraindications and possible side effects that need to be discussed at your consultation. We do not treat pregnant or breast feeding patients with any of our devices or procedures.