Introducing laser energy treatments for mild and moderate Stress Urinary Incontinence.

Many women have involuntary loss of urine during coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical exertion such as dancing, running or climbing stairs, this is a condition known as Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Midwest Laser Centre is offering a non-surgical and pain free treatment to improve Urinary Incontinence.

  • A simple, non-surgical 15 Minute procedure

  • Walk-in / Walk-out

  • Effective

  • Pain-free

  • Safe

What causes Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Vaginal childbirth, obesity and aging contribute to changes in the pelvic floor region that can weaken the urethral closure mechanism. There has only been a few options like muscular pelvic floor exercises known as Kegels, and the surgical option with a Urethral Sling. Surgery requires hospitalization, recovery time, and potentially serious complications.

How does this work?

Our laser based treatment for SUI is a simple, non-surgical laser treatment that is highly effective. During the procedure our a special attachment is inserted, similar to a speculum used during a pap test, into the vagina. Through this the vaginal region is treated with short laser pulses through a small hand piece. The photo thermal heating affects collagen in both the vaginal walls and the urethra. This causes restructuring and regrowth of the collagen. The result is thickening and tightening of the vaginal walls and urethra to prevent urine loss. An added benefit is that it will also tighten the vagina.

Results from clinical studies confirm that this service is an effective, safe, comfortable treatment for symptom relief in patients with mild or moderate SUI.

  • 94% of women reported that Stress Urinary Incontinence improved significantly.

  • 68% were completely free of SUI after 120 days.

We also have a treatment for vaginal relaxation and atrophy.
Overstretching of the vaginal wall during childbirth and natural aging can weaken connective tissue relaxing muscles in the vagina. Kegel exercises can help strengthen the underlying muscle, but until now there was no reliable solution to counter thinning of the wall of the vagina. Now it’s possible to tighten the vagina with laser energy.

  • A simple, non-surgical, 15 Minute procedure

  • Effective, pain-free, safe

  • Walk-in / Walk-out

How does laser energy for vaginal tightenings work?

This procedure is a simple, non-surgical laser treatment that is highly effective. During the procedure a special attachment is inserted, similar to a speculum used during a pap test, into the vagina. Through this the vaginal region is treated with short laser pulses through a small hand piece. The thermal effect on the vaginal mucosa stimulates collagen remodeling and the synthesis of new collagen fibres. The result is a tighter vagina.

Scientific results show great improvements in vaginal tightness and sexual gratification.

  • High Level of patient satisfaction

  • 95% of patients assess vaginal tightness as strongly or moderately improved.


Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. A complimentary consultation is required before treatments can be booked. There may be contraindications and possible side effects that need to be discussed at your consultation. We do not treat pregnant or breast feeding patients with any of our devices or procedures.